Welcome to the Jones Woodworking Project Galleries, where craftsmanship meets inspiration in every creation.

From elegant staircases that elevate the grandeur of brownstone residences to custom cabinetry that seamlessly integrates form and function, our galleries showcase the artistry and craftsmanship that define Jones Woodworking.

Whether you’re seeking inspiration for your next project or simply admiring the beauty of fine craftsmanship, we invite you to explore our galleries and discover the endless possibilities of wood brought to life.

Brownstone Staircases

Our Brownstone Staircase Gallery showcases a stunning array of staircase projects, meticulously crafted to brownstone interiors.

Brownstone Doors

Our Brownstone Door Gallery showcases an exquisite collection of custom-designed doors, meticulously crafted to reflect the unique character and charm of its surroundings.

Custom Woodworking

Our Custom Woodworking Gallery showcases various custom projects that seamlessly integrates with the architectural charm of brownstone residences.